Magnitsky Act
With the Magnitsky laws passed through Parliament, we will work with parliamentarians to have key abusers of Tibetan human rights sanctioned under the Magnitsky Act.
Magnitsky Act – Let’s get CCP Officials Sanctioned!
This year we will be asking parliamentarians and officials to sanction CCP Officials abusing the human rights of Tibetans.
The Magnitsky laws, as amended and improved with your help, passed the Senate with unanimous support on 1 December 2021, and the laws will allow the Australian Government to sanction individuals and entities responsible for “egregious conduct”, like threatening international peace and serious human rights violations.
A Magnitsky Act in Australia is our best chance to hold to account members of the CCP responsible for the worst human rights abuses in Tibet.
What does this mean?
The Magnitksy act was named after a Russian tax lawyer Sergei Magnitsky after he was beaten to death in prison in 2009 after investigating Russian officials involved in Fraud.
This means that Australia will have the ability to impose targeted financial sanctions and travel bans against individuals, their families, and entities determined to be involved in such sanctionable conduct wherever it occurs, such as human rights abuses.
What are the next steps?
The fight against human rights abusers in Tibet is not over. Indeed in many ways, this is just the beginning. Now that this legislation has passed, ATC will be working on getting CCP officials who are responsible for human rights abuses in Tibet sanctioned under the act.
We will need you, our supporters, to join us this year when we will be presenting the case for targeting CCP officials under the Magnitsky act.
For ATC the value of the Magnitsky Act is not just that it has now passed in Australia – but once a CCP official is actually sanctioned under the act and held to account – this is the next step of this campaign.
As with the Magnitsky law we will need your help this year to get CCP officials sanctioned under the Magnitsky-style sanctions.
Thank you once again for your part in winning this important first step of the campaign with us.
Please donate so we can continue this campaign and hold CCP officials to account.
Magnitsky: Campaign update
The Australian Government has now responded to recommendations about creating a Magnitsky-style law to impose financial and visa sanctions against human rights abusers. The response falls short of our expectations and remains below the gold standard set by our allies. However, there are some important improvements now proposed for Australia’s existing sanctions regime.
Magnitsky Act Now Ad
We have collaborated with a coalition of groups from across the Asia-Pacific to have a full-page advertisement published in The Australian newspaper calling for parliamentarians to pass the #MagnitskyActNow.