Buy a beautiful photo of Tibet

Buy a beautiful photo of Tibet

Buy a beautiful photo of Tibet Check out the wonderful collection of framed photos available for purchase. All photos were taken in Tibet and donated by our supporters to help us share the story of the land and people of Tibet. They are $120 each plus postage. Frames...
Report busts China’s myth on protecting Tibet

Report busts China’s myth on protecting Tibet

In a pioneering report launched today, Australia Tibet Council warns global environmental and conservation organisations, development agencies, national parliaments and governments to refrain from welcoming China’s new national parks system in Tibet until...
Report busts China’s myth on protecting Tibet

REPORT: An Iron Fist in a Green Glove

An Iron Fist in a Green Glove Emptying pastoral Tibet with China’s national parks The forced displacement of Tibetan nomads from their land is set to accelerate as China prepares to unveil a new system of national parks in Tibet next year. Read our new report that...
Photo competition – Justice For Tibetan Nomads

Photo competition – Justice For Tibetan Nomads

Updated 30 May We were delighted with the quality and variety of all the submissions in our photo competition. These images will be so helpful in promoting our work and communicating the story of Tibet, the land and its people. Thank you to everyone who contributed....
Grasslands: Songs and stories from Tibet

Grasslands: Songs and stories from Tibet

Come along to this Sydney event to launch our new report documenting the challenges Tibetan nomads face today as a result of China’s resettlement policies. Finalist photos from our photo competition will be exhibited and auctioned on the night to raise funds to...